Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Weeks are flying by!

Hello everyone!

Weeks 18 and 19 have gone by so fast that I forgot to send out an update.  I hope that everyone enjoyed a nice Easter Sunday.  A lot has happened since we last talked, so let me fill you in...

Week 18

Baby Wiencken was definitely growing this week and Sara was starting to notice.  In week 18, Ol' Tiddlywink had grown to the length of a bell pepper and weighed almost 7 ounces.  Baby was busy flexing his arms and legs this week (must get that from me, I do that a lot in the mirror).  His/her features kept developing and the ears are now finally in place.

As for Sara, she had a light travel schedule for work, but kept up her workout schedule.  Her energy level has been great and she eats way better than I do! (Cheetos are a vegetable, right?)  She has been dealing with some pretty regular headaches, but luckily hasn't had the sickness that comes with some pregnancies.

Week 19

Now that you are up to speed, let me tell you what has been going on lately.  First off, I want to happily say that my Mom is currently out of the hospital and feeling better each day.  We got to spend the day in Terre Haute on Saturday and her appetite and energy levels were the best that I have seen since she was first diagnosed.  Right now, we are expecting her to go back in to the hospital next week to begin round 4 of chemo treatment (hopefully the last!).

As for Baby Wiencken, week 19 brought on a lot more development and an Ultrasound for us where we got to see the progress.  In week 19, Tiddlywink's sensory development is exploding and his/her brain is designating areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch.  Research shows that Baby Wiencken can potentially hear our voices at this stage, so I have been singing Motley Crue and Van Halen tunes so that he/she can perfect their scissorkick in the womb.

We had our Ultrasound appointment today and it was amazing.  Baby Wiencken was moving around so much and we got to see some great angles of what he/she looks like now.  As of today, he/she was weighing in at 12 ounces and looked completely healthy.  We know one thing, this baby knows how to cross those legs and sit Indian Style because it was pretty much impossible to determine the sex.  However, the technician assures us that she has the evidence of the sex and placed those results in an envelope for us.  We will be finding out for sure this Saturday with all of you who can make it to the cook out!  It could still be the next Larry Bird or Albert Einstein, but it could also be the next Amelia Earhart or Amelia Bedelia.  Maybe those women references aren't the best since one suicide bombed in to the Atlantic and the other is a story book Nanny who was an idiot and had no common sense.  Let's just hope for a boy.

Here are some pics of Sara over the last 2 weeks, enjoy!

Hope to see most of you on Saturday!  It will be nice not to say he/she anymore!

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