Sunday, December 9, 2012

Charlotte's First 100 Days

Dear Charlotte,

We thought it would be fun to continue this blog as a way to tell you about your new life experiences.  We've been keeping a written and mental log, and now it's time to put our thoughts in one place for you to read in the future.  You have lived 100 days out of my belly!  Your Daddy and I continue to be amazed by how much you seem to grow every day.  We already feel like we know you so well, and we've spent so much time staring at you in awe.  You are so perfect, and you have made us a family.  We thank God for choosing us to be your parents, and we look forward to every single day as your Mommy and Daddy.  Now, here is a recap of your first week!

You decided to grace us with your presence at 6:28 am.  You had a bit of an intense journey on your way out, so we had to wait about 20 minutes to hold you the first time.  As hard as it was, we were patient and so happy to hear that you were absolutely perfect.  Your Mimi and Aunt Stacey were there with us as you took your first breath.  Everyone cried, including you!


Meeting Mimi for the first time.

Meeting "Sir" Grandpa for the first time.

When they handed you to us, you were wide awake.  You continued to look at everyone that entered the room for the next 6 hours.  You would NOT sleep!  I fed you and we stared and stared at every single inch of you.  Our friends told us that the feeling of becoming a parent is amazing, but it was beyond anything we could have imagined.  We are so blessed.

Our first visitor was your (future) Uncle JJ.  He stopped in for a few minutes, but he wouldn't be able to hold you for a few more days... we were all too in love to put you down!

Our next guests were my childhood friends Stacey and Ginger.  They are both mommies and were so happy that I was now a Mommy, too.  Ginger's family brought you flowers and an "it's a baby girl" balloon.

Your Grandpa ("Sir" as he has decided to be called) made it to the hospital a few hours later, and he held you for the first time.  He had to drive here from Nashville as he was there for work.  He was pretty smitten by you, and you liked how warm he kept you when he snuggled you close.  Grandpa and Aunt Stacey went out and bought us pizza for lunch and got you a cookie cake for your birthday party.  They were both delicious!

We spent most of the day getting to know you a little better.  Your Dad changed your first dirty diaper and gave you your first bath.  Dr. Greenfield came to see you later that day, and you checked out perfectly.  Dr. Ertel came to see Mommy, too.  She wanted to make sure I was feeling okay.  Despite the lack of sleep we were running on, I felt pretty good!

Later that evening, your Pop and Aunt Lindsay made it to the hospital.  They both kept saying how beautiful you were.  You loved being held by both of them, too.  Aunt Lindsay was so happy you were born that day.  She was heading out of town to be a bridesmaid in one of her best friend's wedding, and she had been worried during my pregnancy that she would miss your first day.  

Meeting Pop for the first time.

Your Pop was so happy to meet you also.  You had been something for us all to look forward to every since your Nana had passed away.  He told you that you were helping to heal his broken heart.  You really are a blessing.

A short time later, your Uncle Drew and Aunt Whitney came to visit.  They were both nervous to hold you, but they did a great job!  You even pushed really hard and gave your Uncle Drew a few toots!

By the end of the evening, all of our visitors left, and it was just the three of us.  You had finally decided to sleep a little, and we needed our sleep, too.  We decided to send you to the nursery, so we could rest knowing someone would be watching you closely.  We were so nervous to sleep with you there!  The nurses brought you into our room a couple of times to eat.  I loved holding you in my arms!!!

You're first night.
The next day was your due date.  Mimi, Grandpa, Aunt Stacey, and JJ came to the hospital early with a ton of Panera bagels, breakfast sandwiches, and coffee.  Thank goodness they kept us fed!

Uncle Drew and Aunt Whitney also came to visit again.  Everyone played cards, watched college football (OU v. Penn State) as it was the beginning of the college football season.  I finally showered for the first time since you had been born, and I felt like a new woman afterwards!  Your Grandpa left for home along with Aunt Whitney and Uncle Drew.  It was so nice having company.

The next day, September 2 was your homecoming!  I woke up early, ordered breakfast and showered.  We waited (not so patiently) for the doctors to tell us when we could take you home.  Aunt Stacey met us at the hospital to take pictures before we left.  You wore an outfit that Sug made for Daddy and all of the Wiencken children have worn it on their way home from the hospital. 

Before leaving the hospital.

In the car for the first time.  Heading home!

You took your first car ride, and we video-taped the whole thing (of course).  When we got home, there were balloons on the mailbox.  Aunt Stacey, Uncle JJ & Mimi met us at home.  You met the dogs for the first time, and they loved you. 

Mimi made us dinner.  It was one of our favorites, broccoli, chicken and rice casserole.  Pop came to visit you again, and he stayed for dinner, too.  After dinner, Mimi and Pop left to go home.  We were alone in our own house for the first time, and we were terrified.  I hardly slept a wink that night, because you made SO many little noises.  You cooed with every breath.  It was so sweet, but so scary! :)

The next days seemed to pass quickly!  You had your first visit with Dr.Fisher, your pediatrician, when you were 4 days old (on Tuesday).  He had good news for us... You were growing well!  You were just 1 oz away from your birth weight at 7 lbs 4 oz and were 20 1/2 inches long (you shrunk!?).  The normal goal is to be back at birth weight by day 10.  You nailed it.  We finally figured out how to nurse!  We took you to Target with us to get a few things after your appointment, and people thought we were crazy for taking such a little baby out in public.  Whoops!

Your first day home.  You're wearing a hat my friend Sara made for you!

Later that day, you met Trey and Levi for the first time.  They loved you.  Aunt Lindsay, Uncle Kyle & Pop also came to visit.  This was your first time meeting Uncle Kyle, too.  They brought Italian beef sandwiches for dinner and an ice cream cake for your birthday!  We gave you your first bath at home, and you pooped right in the middle of it! :)

The ice cream cake that Pop brought for your birthday!


Daddy headed back to work the next day (Wednesday).  Mimi came to stay with me for the day and helped me watch you.  That made Daddy feel much better going back to work, but it was hard for him to leave you.  Mimi and I had to figure out how to install the car seat in her car and use the stroller.  Ha ha!  She made us dinner (Taco Pie).  We made you several headbands because you had your newborn pictures the next day.

We got up early to get ready for picture day, and Mimi held you while I showered .  We went to your photo shoot, and you were a perfect model.  We could not get you to go to sleep for the pictures, so we got some with you wide awake, too!  The photographer thought you looked just like Daddy.  She photographed our wedding, almost four years ago and took our maternity photos.  We met Aunt Stacey for lunch after the pictures, and Ginger made us dinner (tortellini, spinach salad, French bread).

With Mimi before your pictures.

On Friday that week, the two of us had our first day home alone.  Daddy wasn't feeling well after work, and it turns out that he had strep throat!  Mommy was very worried, and we had to keep you two apart for most of the weekend!  We did manage to get a family picture in our Bears gear though!!!

In the weeks that followed, you went through so many changes!  You lost your belly button on day 10.  I wanted to keep it, but Daddy and Aunt Stacey convinced me I was being weird.  Maybe one day you will understand when you're a Mommy of your own!

Here is your belly button falling off... Gross, I know!

In the next few weeks, you met many family members!  Sug, Aunt Julie, Uncle Joel, Cousin Jolee, Cousin Brooke, and Mony all came to visit.  Everyone was so happy to finally get to hold you.  Here are some pictures from your first meetings...

You and Aunt Stacey!

You and Aunt Lindsay!

You and Uncle Drew!
You and Aunt Whitney!

You and Sug!

You and Jolee!
Aunt Lindsay, Sug, you and me!
Nanny, Great Great Granny, Daddy, and you!
Aunt Amy, Cousin Maddie, you, and me!

Mimi, Great Grammer, you, and me!
Great Grammer and you!

Great Grandpa Shew and you!

Great Great Granny and you!

Nanny and you!

Santa even stopped by for an early visit!

We took you on your first trip out of state at the end of September.  We went to Michigan for Aunt Deana's wedding.  Around the same time, you started smiling on purpose.  THAT was so amazing to witness.  You have been smiling ever since. 

At Aunt Deana's wedding reception with your Grandpa and Great Grandpa Shew.
On the way up to Michigan, we stopped to eat dinner.  It was a very long wait, so we all went into the (non-smoking) bar to grab a (non-alcoholic) drink.  I guess that will be your first and last trip into a bar until you turn 21!  In a first-time-parent mistake, we got kicked out for having a baby in a bar.  Oops!
Your Daddy holding you in a bar.  Parents of the year!

When we got home from that trip, we decided to try giving you your first bottle.  We had waited a whole month because of advice we had received.  You weren't sure about it at first, but you caught on pretty quickly!

Daddy giving you your first bottle!

After that, I only had a few short weeks to be home with you.  I can't believe how quickly the time went.  You had your 1 month check-up at Dr. Fisher's office.  You weighed 9 lbs 15 oz and were 22 inches long.  In the weeks we had left together, we did a lot of bonding, and I learned so much about you.  I tried to let Daddy sleep at night, and got up with you several times at first.  Slowly, you got into a better sleeping routine and gave me some much needed rest.  You also developed (possible) pink eye, which required another visit to the pediatrician.  I have no idea how you got it!  Here are some pics of you from the time I was home.





I went back to work when you were 6 1/2 weeks old.  I went back on a Wednesday to make it a short week.  It was the hardest thing I have ever had to do.  My first two days back, you stayed at home with Mimi.  She was so nice to come to stay with you, and it made my transition back a little bit easier.  Aunt Stacey stayed with you on Friday.  They both thought you were a very good little girl!  I have officially been back at work for more time than I was home with you.  It seems like time is passing impossibly fast. 

A picture from your day with Aunt Stacey when I went back to work.

You went to your daycare for the first time on Monday, October 22.  We were so blessed to get a recommendation from a neighbor.  Sandy just adores you.  You seem to like her too... you give her a big smile every single morning I drop you off.  :)  There is a little boy named Dean that goes to your daycare.  He is in love with you.  He gets really excited when he sees you.  He is 18 months old and you are far too young to date!!!

There was a charity walk for your Nana that month, too.  There, you got to meet many of your Nana's old co-workers and friends.  We bundled you up because it was rainy and cold.  We hope to take you back to this event every year.  They raised money for the Humane Society.


We took you to your first pumpkin patch in October, too.  It was so much fun.  You met a donkey, goat, pig, and bunnies!  You also went on your first hayride, and we picked out your first pumpkin.  We dressed you in a cute pumpkin outfit and hat that Nanny bought for you.

You and your new friends!

This was your Dad's idea... You're a vampire and he's a mummy!

We are terrible parents... I'm a cow and you're a farmer!

On the hayride with Daddy!

Our family on the hayride.

On the hayride with Mommy.

Daddy with you and your first pumpkin!

Before we knew it, it was Halloween and you were 2 months old!  That morning, I dressed you in a "First Halloween" onesie that my friend Ginger gave you.  I also put you in a "Baby's First Boo" hat and ghost socks that your Aunt Stacey bought.  You looked so cute.  Later that night, we had to dress you up!  You were a little bunny.  Your Great Aunt Debbie made your costume for you.  By the time we got you in it, all you wanted to do is sleep.  Unfortunately, we didn't get any pictures of you with your eyes open.  We did get some pictures with Trey, Levi, and you, but I think their costumes scared you.  You cried and cried!!!

The morning of your first Halloween.
You were dressed as a flower when I picked you up from daycare!

Sleepy little bunny...

You were so adorable!

Around this time, you had your two month check-up at the doctor's office.  You got shots, and it was so hard on both Daddy and Mommy!  Daddy held your hand the entire time.  You had grown very well since your last check up.  You weighed 11 lbs 12 oz and were 23 3/4 inches.  You were pretty much off the charts!!! I'm so happy you are growing so well.

Thanksgiving was the next big event.  We headed to Michigan to spend it with my extended family.  You didn't get to eat turkey this year, but you still had a great time!  We stayed the night in a haunted castle.  I really do think you saw a ghost... You were crying inconsolably when we got back there on Thanksgiving evening.  Your Grandpa came to the rescue and got you to quiet down.  Mommy and Daddy literally tried everything to soothe you before calling him. 

Family photo on Thanksgiving day!

A photo of your Grandpa when he was little.  Everyone things you two look alike as babies!

Your hair cracks me up in this photo!

When we got home, we decorated for Christmas.  You got to see all of your new First Christmas ornaments.

Last weekend we took you to the Children's Museum for the first time.  You rode the carousel and sat on Santa's lap.  Don't worry, we told him what you wanted this year!

The official picture from the $40 dollar package we bought (first-time-parent mistake)!

Riding the carousel with Daddy!

Mimi feeding you a bottle.

Later that night, we tortured you for an hour while we tried to get our Christmas card photo.  Here are a couple of the outtakes.  Don't worry, we didn't let you eat the Christmas lights for long!!!

Yummy... lights!

Now we are all caught up!  You have recently discovered your feet and hands.  You will stare and stare at them.  You love to kick your legs really, really fast and pump your fists.  It is hilarious.  Now that you have realized that your hands are attached to your body and you control what they do, you've started putting things into your mouth.  It started with you sucking on different fingers, and now you prefer to have your thumb.  You won't take a pacifier any longer.  All you want is to suck on that thumb!  You may be teething as well.  You drool a lot and chew on your bottom lip.  I just bought you some teethers this week, and we've been trying out different ones.  You HATE the ones that are refrigerated.  I thought it might soothe your gums, but you instantly cried once it went into your mouth.  We won't be using that one again!

You also laugh all the time.  All we have to do is talk to you, and we usually get a really cute laugh.  Sometimes you even do a happy scream.  It really is the best!  Your usual laugh sounds like a cough.  You will open your mouth really big and a cough sound comes out.  I need to get it on video so we can always remember it.  You smile a lot too.  You do this adorable move where you will smile and have to look away.  It's like it is almost too much for you to handle. 

You coo and talk a lot, too.  It's amazing how interactive you are.  You love to look around (especially at the TV).  You will track people in and out of the room, and the ceiling fan is your best friend.  One of your favorite things to do is play on your activity mat.  You will punch and kick at the animals hanging there and play with rings.  Your swing is also one of your favorite things. 

You're trying to stand, and you can hold your head up all on your own.  We will hold you under your arms on our laps, and you quickly lock your legs.  You are so proud of yourself.  We will say "look what you're doing," and you will laugh and smile while craning your neck to look all around you. 

You love to have your hair played with just like your Mommy.  You've got this really long strand that grows more quickly than the rest.  It's on the left side of your head and has been there since you were born.  It's got a slight curl on the end of it.  I just love that hair. 

You love baths... thank goodness!  Your neck rolls seem to collect every ounce of spit up.  No matter how quickly and thoroughly we wipe your face and neck, you still collect this gross goo there that ONLY comes out when we bathe you. 

You REALLY enjoy seeing yourself in the mirror.  Here is the first time it happened, and it's been LOVE ever since!

I've also started calling you "Bird."  I don't know where it came from, but I think it's going to stick.  Daddy calls you "Stink."

Well, it's almost time for me to go.  You just woke up from a nap and really want to eat.  You keep laughing at your Daddy when he talks to you.  It is SO cute!  You also tooted about 10 times.  I think it's Daddy's turn to change you. :)

I love you so much and cannot wait to keep writing about how much you've grown.

Until next time my sweet baby,


Alright, now I'm back because you just did this! 

Trying VERY hard to rollover.

Please stop growing!!!

Love you,
