Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Missing You Tonight

Hi Sweet Baby,

I'm away from you on a business trip tonight.  It's not the first time I've left you since you arrived, but tonight I'm missing you so much.  I just talked to Daddy, and he said that you're asleep already.  I usually can't get you to sleep before 9pm, so he must have the special touch. 

I just wanted to tell you how much I love being your mommy.  I've been terrible about blogging since your birth, but I am just too busy enjoying you in real life to take a moment to write to you on here.  I promise I will try harder to update you (and the world) on what you're doing these days. 

You are just so much fun.  Daddy can get you to giggle so hard.  He got a great video of it the other day.  Your little personality is really shining.  You don't like it when we are out of site... In fact, you've started throwing mini temper tantrums.  I hope it's not a glimpse into what your toddler years will be like!  We will love you through them just the same.

You still don't have any teeth, but we have been feeding you all kinds of veggies.  We are waiting to give you fruits.  The doctor said that we should get a good foundation of veggies, so that's what we are doing.  So far, you love the orange veggies (carrots, squash, sweet potatoes).  You aren't too sure about the greens (avocados, green beans, peas, spinach).  When you are "done" you will blow a raspberry and cover us both in food... it's awesome! :)

You babble all the time.  You can say "mama," "dada," and "baba."  "Baba" came first.  "Mama" came second. "Dada" came last.  You still don't know what any of the words mean, but we love to hear you say them just the same.  You have also started talking in this really cute high pitched voice sometimes.  You talk to me every morning on the way to Ms. Sandy's house.  I treasure that time we have together every day. 

You rolled over when you were 2 days shy of 4 months old.  You are very close to crawling now.  You will get on all fours and rock back and forth.  You can kind of scoot to where you are going, so we are getting used to you being mobile.  You love to stand with assistance, too.  You bounce like crazy in your exersaucer, and scream with excitement.

You love to give "kisses."  Really, you just put your open mouth on ours and lick or suck.  As gross as it sounds, we love it. 

We love you, what can we say.  We're your crazy parents, and we couldn't be more in love with you.  You have made us two of the happiest people on the earth.  So, as I said when I started this post, I miss you so much tonight.  I hate that your face won't be the first thing I see tomorrow morning, but I know it will be the last thing I see before I go to bed tomorrow night.  I love you my sweet baby... One more sleep until we are together again.

All my love,
