Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A little traveling music please...

Hello friends and family!

I hope that you were able to get outside and enjoy this spring-like weather today!  This has been a long week.  Sara and I both logged quite a few miles on our cars over the past 7 days.  Sara left Indy on Wednesday and did not get home until Sunday (this baby has already traveled to Evansville more times than me).  Our schedules are fairly normal this week, and I am sure some rest is in Sara's future.

With my college basketball obsession, I have been plenty busy lately.  Go Hoosiers!  Sara's Dad Robin is coming to Indy later this week, and I have plenty of Purdue jokes ready for him.  Sara tolerates my obsession and even watches most of the IU games with me.  She is such a supportive wife!

The latest news on my Mom is that her lumbar puncture that was scheduled for this past Monday got pushed back one week.  This was because she suffered a blood clot in her jugular vein, and they want her on blood thinner shots this week to get rid of the clot and get healthy.  Hopefully, she will be ready to proceed with her treatment next Monday.

Sara and I have our next Doctor visit this Friday which is always exciting for us!  If all goes well this week for my Mom, hopefully she and my Dad (and possibly Robin too) will be able to join us.  We will not see an ultrasound this week but will get to discuss what to expect in upcoming visits and hear Tiddlywink's heartbeat.  We look forward to filling you in on the feedback we get on Friday. 

Here is how the baby is developing in Week 14:  He/she is the size of a lemon!  Tiddlywink can make facial expressions, can suck his/her thumb, and his/her arms have grown to a length that are more proportionate with the rest of the body.

PS. Sara has to leave for a business trip to Boca Raton, FL on Sunday and won't be back until Friday.  So I might not update again until she is back home and can take updated pictures.

Pictures from Week 14:

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