Sunday, January 8, 2012

7 Weeks

Hello Friends & Family,

As of yesterday, we are officially in our 7th week of pregnancy. Sara is still feeling great. She had to take a business trip out of town earlier this week, and she thought it was comforting to feel like she wasn't "alone" for the 12 hours of drive time she spent on the road.

We also went to visit Momma Wiencken and the rest of my family this weekend. She's officially done with her first round of chemo. Now, the doctors are just working on flushing all of the chemicals from her body so that she can head home and rest up before the next round begins. Sara, Lindsay, and Whitney gave her a shorter new hair-do to try to head off some of the hair loss that has started. All we could think about while we were visiting with her is what a tough Nanna this new little one is going to have! She still manages to smile and act like a hostess through all of this nausea and other cancer crap.

We are getting excited for the first of our two upcoming doctor's appointments. On Wednesday, we will meet with a nurse educator for an hour on what to expect during the pregnancy. She'll also be giving us the book 'What to Expect While You're Expecting.' I'm sure Sara will have the entire thing read by the time we get home from the appointment. Then, she'll nag me to death on the importance of reading it myself.

We are getting weekly emails on the Tiddlywink's development. Right now, the baby is about the size of a blueberry. Hands and feet are emerging from his or her developing arms and legs (although, they look more like paddles than actual hands or feet). Its also got a tail, which we hope it can keep! He or she has eyelid folds covering its peepers, which already have some color. The tip of his or her nose is visible as well as tiny veins beneath the skin. Both hemispheres of its brain are growing, and the liver is pumping out red blood cells. An appendix and pancreas have already formed. Lastly, a loop in the baby's intestines is bulging into his or her umbilical cord, which now has distinct vessels to carry oxygen and nutrients to and from its tiny body.

We will leave you with our weekly pictures, and will post again in about a week. We love you all!

Love, Josh, Sara & Tiddlywink