Sunday, August 19, 2012

And now we wait...

Week 38 has arrived and there is no room left in that stomach.  I am writing you from my Dad's couch as the whole family is here today for a Sunday dinner.  Even Nan and her 95 year old mom (Granny) are here!  I am hoping that we might get some guest input on this blog from my family members as they are anxiously awaiting Miss Charlotte's arrival as well.

Speak of the devil, here comes Uncle Drew...

"Charlotte, I really hope that your arrival doesn't interrupt my Fantasy Football Draft this year.  Also, I hope you are "Humble" and "Some Pig."

Well, I was hoping for something a little more profound, but that will have to do.  We had our maternity pictures yesterday with our wedding photographer.  We haven't seen her in nearly four years, so it was nice to catch up with her during another milestone event in our lives. 

Let me fill you in on Sara's last doctor's visit on Tuesday, August 14.  She was still measuring right on target and was already 1cm dilated!  That was exciting news for us to know that things were already moving in the right direction.  More importantly, due to the swelling in Sara's feet and legs, our Doctor decided that it was time for her to shut it down at work and stay home and rest.  This takes stress off of me too, because I didn't want to get the news and have her be at some work appointment.  After our appointment, we went out to dinner to P.F. Chang's to celebrate.  Most of you probably know that is where we got engaged and has become our "celebration spot" ever since.

Oh wait, here comes Aunt Whitney...

"I hope that your actual arrival isn't as scary as I am envisioning it to be.  Also, to lose my reputation as Druncle Whitney, I am working on my sobriety so that I can make it to the hospital for your birth."

Again, these interviews have been a little underwhelming so far.  Things are about to turn around, here comes sweet Aunt Lindsay...

"Charlotte, I am anxiously awating the call from your Daddy saying that you are on your way! I can't wait to hold you and spoil you rotten!"

Much better, thank you Aunt Lindsay.  Charlotte is still developing in Week 38.  She has really plumped up now weighing in around 6.8 pounds and measuring over 19.5 inches long.  She now has a firm grasp with her hands so she should be able to give out handshakes when she comes out.  Also, her organs are now fully developed and are ready for life on the outside.  The question is, are Sara and I ready ready for her to be on the outside??

Hold on, here comes Charlotte's wonderful Great Grandmonther (my Nan), let's see what she has to say...

"Can't wait for little Charlotte to be born.  It is always such a miracle to happen.  Will wait for the phone call saying Sara and Charlotte are doing fine.  Also daddy Josh."

Thanks Nan, we can't wait for you to meet her

Below are the pictures of my beautiful pregnant wife from weeks 36-38.  I'll also give some insight on how Miss Charlotte is developing each week!

Week 36 - Our baby is still getting fatter and plumper.  She estimated to be about 5 lbs 13 oz and 18.6 inches long.  Her toenails now reach the ends of her toes.  Most of hte lanugo (fine hair) has now disappeared.  The amount of amniotic flud has decreased somewhat, but the baby continues practicing breathing exercises.  She is almost fully mature; only 1 week si left for her to be considered full-term.  She is about the size of a crenshaw melon (whatever that is).

Week 37 - This week she is technically considered full-term and is the size of swiss chard!  Her organs are fully developed and she is ready for the outside world. She is still gaining about an ounce a day and is measuring approximately 6 lbs 5 oz, and 19.1 inches in length.  She is in head down position and beginning to run out of room.

Week 38 - We are now well into the normal delivery zone, and she is the size of a leek.  She continues to gain about 1 oz a day and is measuring about 6 lbs 11 oz and 19.6 inches long.  She takes up most of the space in Sara's uterus and has a full head of hair.  By now, most of the lanugo is gone, and the vermix (white petroleum jelly-like coating) is starting to disappear as well.  She actually swallows a lot of the lanugo and vernixk which becomes mecuonium (the first stool) in her intestines.  Under the influence of high amounts of estrogen in Sara's blood, breast buds have appeard on her little body.

Until next time...

Josh & Sara

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