Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Charlotte Ann Wiencken


Barring the slim odds that the gender was misdiagnosed, I want you to get used to the name Charlotte.  Each day we get closer to seeing her little face and we can't wait.  Sara is getting used to feeling her little feet as they about bust out of her belly.  I love resting my hand on her belly and feeling Charlotte move around.  Sara definitely has a baby bump now as Charlotte continues to grow like a weed.

This is Week 23, sorry that I got so behind on these updates.  A lot has happened!  For one, my Mom has been declared Cancer FREE!  This was the best news in the world and I want to thank everyone who said a prayer and contributed to her positive thinking.  We have also been spending time getting Charlotte's room ready and registering for her Baby Shower on June 30th.  Our heads were absolutely spinning as we walked the aisles of Buy Buy Baby with the scanner gun.  I am officially terrified (mostly about emptying my wallet).  Luckily, we had the unbelievable expertise of Sara's great friends and new mothers, Stacey and Ginger.  Their presence was comforting to say the least.

We had another visit at the Doctor today and got to hear the heartbeat again.  Sara's belly was measuring right on target and Charlotte's heartbeat sounded great.  I sat there and held Sara's purse as usual.  Tomorrow we start our birthing classes.  This will be the first of eight.  I am trying to be supportive and not be skeptical, but the class takes place at a lady's home residence.  I'll fill you in on my thoughts next week...

Since I missed a couple of weeks, here is what happened in Charlotte's development during Week 22 and now Week 23:

Week 22

Charlotte was 11 inches and nearly 1 pound.  She was starting to look like a miniature newborn.  Her lips, eyelids, and eyebrows were becoming more distinct, and she's even developing tiny tooth buds beneath her gums.  Her eyes have formed, but the colored part of her eye still lacks pigment.

Week 23

This week, Charlotte has been groovin'.  With her sense of movement well developed by now, she can feel Sara dance (If you have seen Sara dance, I'm not sure if this is positive news).  She is now about 12 inches long and weighing in at over a pound.  Blood vessels in her lungs are developing to prepare her for breathing and the sounds that her increasingly keen ears pick up are preparing her for entry into the outside world.  I've been talking to her and preparing her for meeting our dogs Sampson and Laney.

Here are pics from the last two weeks so that you can see the baby bump developing...

Until next time family, we love you guys!

Josh, Sara, & Charlotte

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love that name. I can't wait to meet her. You and Sara are already amazing parents. Seeing you with my girls this week made me more excited for you both!! Love you
