Sunday, September 9, 2012

Our Birth Story

Our birth story actually begins long before the labor and delivery.  I had done a lot of research and spoken to several friends, and we decided to try to have a natural childbirth.  I wanted to be complete drug-free to give our baby the best start I could in the world.  I know it is not for everyone, but I was committed pretty early on to try my hardest to do it naturally.  We started intense Bradley Birth Method classes last spring.  Our class met one night a week for eight weeks total.  Each class was 2 hours long, and we met in the class instructor’s basement.  Josh was definitely skeptical at first.  I have to admit that it was interesting to meet in someone’s home.  After our first class, Josh was committed to the idea as well.  We were in class with 10 other couples, and most of the other husbands admitted to being worried about the pain their wives/partners would experience during the labor and delivery.  Josh’s sentiments were felt by all.  Fortunately, we graduated those classes in late July feeling very prepared.  Josh’s main job in the room would be to coach me through the process.  He was nervous but very confident he could do it!  I could not have asked for a more supportive partner throughout my entire pregnancy, and I knew he would be just the husband I needed during the birth.  He did not disappoint!
One thing that made us a little nervous during our classes was the instructor’s insistence we would be working against the hospital in our wishes to deliver naturally.  We thought we were making the best choice for our baby by delivering in a hospital with a NICU in the event something went wrong.  Our instructor explained that the hospitals are in the business of making money, and they often use scare tactics to get you to do what they want in the end.  After some additional research, we decided to hire a doula (labor coach) to help us decipher what was negotiable and non-negotiable if any issues were to arise during Charlotte’s arrival.  It was hands-down the best decision we ever could have made!  Our doula actually worked for the hospital, and she was matched to us based on our personalities.  She was a godsend for both Josh and me during our time at the hospital. 
I think that mostly sums up the birth story prequel.  Feel free to read below to hear how everything happened on August 30th & 31st.
Our perfect little girl was born at 6:28 in the morning on Friday, August 31. My water broke at 10:55 pm the night before.  My legs were shaking because I was so nervous.  Even though we were just 2 days away from our due date, I still could not believe things were happening. We immediately called our doula to get her advice on what to do next, since I hadn't begun having any contractions. She asked if my water was clear.  Once I said it was, she told us that calling the hospital would begin the 24-hour clock during which our birth would have to occur (hospital policy), and they would want me to come in and get admitted immediately.  The danger with getting admitted so early at the hospital is pressure to try different interventions if labor doesn’t progress quickly enough during the 24 hour period.  I was already nervous about being induced, etc., and I knew I didn’t want to go to the hospital so early. 
She suggested I take a warm shower and try to get some rest.  One of my childhood friends was actually staying the night with us at our home that evening, and she helped calm me down and get me ready for the hospital.  Within 45 minutes of my water breaking (around 11:40 pm), my contractions had started.  Thank goodness!  Labor was progressing, and I wouldn’t need to be induced.  I continued to rest and labor at home until about 2:45 am, when my contractions became more intense and were 4-5 minutes apart.  Josh had put his shoes on and was ready to go the minute my water had broken.  He was very diligent about timing and writing down every contraction I was having, and he was the one to call the doctor when the contractions got close enough for us to head into the hospital.  He was definitely the calm confident husband I needed in that moment! 
We left for the hospital, and almost hit a deer on the way.  We can laugh about it now, but I was in the middle of a contraction when Josh had to slam on the breaks to miss it!  My sister met us at the hospital, and once we arrived, she came out to collect me and our bags from the car.  Josh went on to park in the parking garage and met us in the lobby while I continued to have contractions on a couch.  We eventually made it up to the maternity floor and checked into the triage at a little after 3.  They hooked me up to two monitors, one to measure the intensity of my contractions and another to measure the baby’s heartbeat.  The nurse asked me various questions in order to get me admitted.  It seemed impossible to talk to her during the contractions at times, and I had to keep pausing to take breaks.  She confirmed my water had broken, and my doula arrived to meet us at triage.  I had to stand to change into a new gown, and every simple act seemed like it required super human strength to accomplish.  I was thrilled to hear I was 4 cm dilated, 90% effaced, and baby was at a 0 station. At my doctor's appointment the day before, I was 1 cm dilated, 50% effaced, and baby was at a -2 station. The contractions were still manageable at that point, but I was feeling very nauseous.  My doula gave me peppermint oil to breathe in, and it helped immediately. 

Here I am, signing all of the required paperwork before they moved me to my room.  She was born less than 3 hours later!
Smiling between contractions...
Josh is helping me through a contraction in the triage area.
Coaching me along!
Next, I need to move to my labor, delivery, and recovery room.  My nurse met us in the triage area to start the walk down the hall.  I didn’t get 2 feet out of triage before I had a pretty painful contraction.  Nurse Shannon let me hold onto her body for support while I rocked back and forth through it.  They eventually got me situated in room 4208 about 4:30 am, and things progressed quickly from there. Shortly after we got into the room, I began vomiting and having the most intense pains in my back even between contractions.  I tried nearly every position we learned in class to help the progress and ease my back labor. I stood and rocked, used a birthing ball and rocked, got on hands and knees, tried lying in a sideline position, etc. I have to say the ball was the biggest help in terms of helping me to dilate quickly. My mom also arrived shortly after we got to the room.  I remember knowing she was there, but I was so focused on laboring that I couldn’t even look at anyone.  Josh stayed by my side, held my hand, and continued saying encouraging things over and over again.  He was my rock during the whole process.  My sister and Mom helped get cold compresses and rub my back, fix my hair, etc.  Our doula stood on my other side offering advice and encouragement as well.  Lastly, our nurse (who incidentally was a big fan of natural childbirth) applied counter pressure to my aching back.  I had an amazing birth team in that room and know that I could not have done this without any of them!!!  I also prayed to Melanie, a lot.  I kept asking her to give me the strength to get through it, and I told myself over and over again that if she fought so hard for so long, I could certainly endure this temporary discomfort. 

Finally laboring in the room!
Within 30 min of being in my room (around 5 am), I was 6 cm, and after another 45 minutes, I was 9 cm. Within minutes of getting confirmation that I was at 9, I felt an overwhelming urge to push. They had already paged my doctor, but she took an eternity to arrive. After another check, they confirmed I was 10 cm and baby was at +1. The room quickly filled with people.  The nurses begged me not to push until our doctor was present, but my body had a mind of its own at that point. Waiting out 4-5 contractions for the go ahead seemed nearly impossible, but I successfully waited until the doctor arrived.  My doula actually whispered to me while we were waiting for the doctor that if I need to push, I should just push.  That made me feel better to know I had the option. 

My sister was nervous about being there, but she was a big help, too!
I began pushing at 6:05 and pushed 3-4 times unsuccessfully.  The baby was in distress. The doctor told me I had one more try to get her to move down before she was taking me for a C-section. I had worked so hard for a natural birth up to that point, and it seemed inconceivable that I could lose it all in that moment. I pushed with everything inside of me to get her to move, and it worked!  Next, my doctor told me she had to perform an episiotomy and insert a vacuum before the next contraction.  Although that wasn’t in the birth plan, I just wanted to get this baby out quickly and make sure she was healthy!  I heard them call for NICU for the next couple of pushes.  I was scared, but I gave it all I had.  I pushed for a total of 23 minutes, and Charlotte was born.  She was a very healthy 7 lbs 5 oz and 21 inches long, with a full head of medium brown hair! 

Right after Charlotte was born.

If you look closely, you can see Josh crying.  So sweet!

Proud Mimi!  She's also crying.
Charlotte Ann Wiencken
During her journey, her heart rate had dropped to 50 and shot up to 200. I wasn't really aware of what was going on until after she was born, but the ultimatum she gave me made me do whatever it was going to take to get her out safely. I'm not entirely sure I was pushing correctly up until the C-section threat, but I will know what to do the next time.

Afterwards, the doctor cut the cord "because of the circumstances." I felt terrible for Josh, but I could hear our baby girl crying.  I knew she was healthy, and that’s all we wanted in the end.  They whisked her away to a warmer in the room and worked on her for about 20 min after birth delaying our skin-to-skin.  Thankfully, she didn’t have to spend a second in the NICU.  We have been snuggling with her every minute since. Her Apgar Scores were 8 & 9, and she is managing perfectly.
Holding our baby for the first time! (Please ignore my hair)
Our first time together as a family!

I can absolutely say it was ALL worth it! I had a nearly perfect pregnancy and labor and delivery.  I feel my body was made for this, and we feel so blessed!  The total labor from my water breaking to delivery was only 7.5 hours. This experience was by far the most powerful and rewarding thing we have ever been a part of in our entire lives. Charlotte is healthy and strong. She didn't close her eyes for her first nap for nearly 6 hours after her arrival.

Although things didn't go exactly according to plan, she arrived safely and naturally. We are over the moon!!!

My view during our snuggle time!
***Josh’s Additions – I am truly a changed man.  This was the most amazing experience of my life, nothing has compared.  I’ll just add that when our doctor mentioned the C-section, my heart absolutely sunk.  Sara remained so focused and I have never been more proud of her.  When Charlotte made her debut, my body was in shock.  I continued to hold Sara’s hand as my wide eyes began to produce tears that rolled down my face.  She was so precious, and that is a moment that I will never forget.

Until our next post,
Josh, Sara & Baby Charlotte

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